Carissa Bye Talks Mortgage Lending With High Interest Rates

Meet Carissa! Carissa Bye is a seasoned mortgage specialist in Bruce County with 15 years of experience with Meridian Credit Union. In this episode, Carissa delves into the ever-changing landscape of the mortgage industry, discussing how increasing interest rates and the rising cost of living are impacting the real estate market and mortgage financing. Drawing from her wealth of knowledge, she discusses the importance of self-education when it comes to mortgage renewals and navigating real estate decisions with a head-versus-heart perspective. Carissa talks to Jess and Alexa about the importance of working with local experts who understand the nuances of the area’s housing market, the value of open communication between realtors and mortgage specialists, and the need to set clear expectations when it comes to buying a home. Don’t miss Carissa's valuable insights for anyone looking to navigate the world of real estate financing successfully.

Carissa Bye Talks Mortgage Lending With High Interest Rates
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