Derryn Shrosbree on Maximizing Wealth for the Affluent in Real Estate

Meet Derryn Shrosbree. Derryn is the founder of 33seven, a wealth creation boutique specializing in propelling and preserving wealth for the affluent through the tax-free zone. Derryn has a Masters degree in Economics from The London School of Economics and has a distinguished career ranging from Tokyo, Sydney, to New York City. In this episode of The Vault, Derryn explains the tax-free zone and how ultra-high net worth individuals working in real estate can use the professional real estate corporation (PREC) alongside real estate investing to have a powerful wealth maximization tool. Derryn also shares his experiences as an avid real estate investor himself and talks about the mindset of abundance and joy.
Derryn Shrosbree on Maximizing Wealth for the Affluent in Real Estate
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